We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using the Accurx service.
Antenatal clinics
All routine antenatal care is provided by the community midwife and appointments are often made directly with them.
Asthma/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinics
The asthma and COPD clinics are run by our practice nurses. To access these clinics you need to be referred by either our practice nurses or doctor.
Blood pressure clinics
These clinics are run by our healthcare assistants. Everyone should have their blood pressure checked at least every 5 years. You don’t need to be referred to ask for your blood pressure to be checked. These clinics are held on Monday to Friday.
Childhood immunisation clinics
Please view the NHS UK child immunisation schedule.
This clinic is run by our practice nurses. This service is available for the administering of childhood immunisations. Normally your child will be called as appropriate by the local child health team. If you do not hear, please contact the surgery.
Mental health nurse
The surgery has a mental health nurse who is employed through our PCN. She works closely with our doctors and if you are experiencing a new problem with your mental health you may be booked with her.
Through this appointment you can be referred to the practice listening and guidance service, prescribed medication or referred for further support. You can also self refer to Dudley talking therapies.
Diabetes clinics
Diabetes education clinic
These clinics are run by our clinical nurse specialists and our practice nurses. These clinics are held are held at both Kingswinford and Kinver. These appointments are often arranged directly with the diabetic nurse, or sometimes on advice from a GP.
Diabetes annual review clinic (12 monthly review)
These clinics are run by our clinical nurse specialists and practice nurses on a Monday to Friday. Your height, weight, blood pressure and feet are also checked during this appointment.
Our healthcare assistants can undertake ECGs, this would be following a referral from your doctor.
Family planning clinics
We offer a service for all forms of family planning and sexual health issues. Please contact the practice to arrange this, or alternatively your local family planning service.
Health visitor
Our health visitor clinic is now undertaken at Kingswinford Health Centre, Standhills Road, Kingswinford where you can get your baby weighed and have a general discussion. This is a drop in service so please feel welcome to come along on a Tuesday morning, from 09:30 to 12:00. Please book in at reception on your arrival. You can contact them on 01384 321489.
Our health visitor holds clinics on a Tuesday morning once a month when you can get your baby weighed and have a general discussion with your health visitor. This is a drop in service, therefore please feel welcome to come and see your health visitor here at the surgery every other Tuesday from 10:00 – 11:30. Please book in at reception on your arrival at the surgery. Their number is 0300 303 3923.
Heart disease – CHD clinics
We run a Coronary Heart Disease clinic at Moss Grove Surgery. The aim of the clinic is to assess ‘risk factors’ which may lead to problems later in life e.g. BP, ECG and cholesterol levels.
You should tell your doctor if a close family member has ever had angina, or a heart attack under the age of 65. You will be contacted by us for an appointment to be arranged for you to be seen in this clinic.
Minor surgery (by referral)
We are now able to carry out minor surgery procedures for our patients. This requires referral by your doctor. Dr Patel is taking a lead in this area. Once you have been seen by a doctor and a referral has been undertaken, you will be contacted by the surgery and given an appointment date and time to attend. Please ensure that we have an up to date telephone contact number for you.
When you attend, you will be requested to complete a consent form before any minor surgery procedure is initiated.
NHS health checks (vascular screening)
We are taking part in this national initiative. Patients aged 40-74 years old who are not currently diagnosed with a chronic disease such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke etc. will be offered an opportunity to have a health check screen at the practice to assess your individual risk of heart disease/stroke. This will be offered every 5 years.
Phlebotomy clinic
Please view more information on this service.
Physiotherapy clinic
Our first contact physiotherapist runs a clinic on a Wednesday and a Thursday. He is able to assess, diagnose and give advice on musculoskeletal injuries or conditions and then refer on to specialist services if necessary. These appointments can be booked by speaking to one of our reception team.
Tom works closely with our doctors and if you have a new joint or muscle problem you may be booked in with him instead of a doctor. If you require ongoing physio he may refer you on to the physio service which is based in Market Street in Kingswinford, or at the Surgery in Kinver.
Listening and guidance service (by referral)
The practice has a listening and guidance service which can help people with issues about loss or people who need some support. This is run through a chaplaincy, though, it is a non religious non-domination service. The service can be accessed through our first contact mental health nurse or GP.
Smear clinics
We hope that all our female patients will have routine smears every 3 years from 25 up to 50 years old and every 5 years from 50-64 unless otherwise indicated. If you are not sure, do speak to a doctor or surgery nurse. Smear tests are carried out by our practice nurse in our Female Health/Smear Clinics.
Travel clinic
The surgery runs a travel vaccination clinic where our surgery nurses are able to offer a full service for advice and vaccinations for those travelling abroad. These clinics are held on Mondays, Tuesdays (including extended access) and Wednesdays and are available by booking an appointment to see our practice nurse.
If you are travelling abroad, please complete and submit the Travel Form in plenty of time (we recommend 6-8 weeks) before your journey.
For more information, visit the following websites: