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Patient update – change of systems

Please be aware that the practice is moving to a new system, and the website is being updated on the 11th March in the evening and will be back up and running on 12th March.

Training practice

This surgery has been providing GP Registrar training since 1973 and has always been committed to ensuring high standards of training are maintained throughout that time. The surgery has maintained and grown with the rising standards expected of the GP Vocational Training Scheme and is well respected within the area. Many of our doctors are qualified GP registrar trainers and are committed to taking an active part in this work. The trainees strive to continually update their own skills, to enable achievement of the quality of training delivered and take their role seriously as GP trainers.

Our practice is a training practice. Our registrars are fully qualified and have a great deal of experience. Registrars are attached to our practice for 6 to twelve months and patients usually find their fresh, enthusiastic approach adds to the health care we provide. The registrars usually become general practitioner partners after completing their training and are at times encouraged to seek advice when required from the practice partners. With the patients’ consent they may consult with the partners and learn about general practice. When booking an appointment you may be asked if you would consult with one of our registrars, who are excellent doctors appointed by the practice. We are confident that they will give our patients modern, effective and caring treatment.

Medical Students

We are an approved training surgery under the aegis of the University of Birmingham. We train medical students throughout their five years’ training. When booking an appointment, you may be asked if students are able to sit-in on the consultation. We hope you will give your agreement to this and help us provide their necessary training to become qualified GPs in the future. Thank you for your support.

Are you an expert patient?

  • Would you be willing to talk to a medical student about your long-term illness?
  • Would you be able to tell them what it is like living with an illness?
  • How it affects your life and maybe that of your family?
  • Are you taking medication for your condition or have you seen a consultant?
  • What treatment has been recommended to you?

Also required – patients with patience

Could you spare an hour or two to allow students to practice their clinical skills, checking blood pressure, pulse, eyesight, etc. Under the supervision of one of our doctors?

If so please contact either Gloria on 01384 277377 and complete the consent form available at our reception desk.

Video Recording – We need your help

From time to time our GP registrars / medical students need to make video recordings of their consultations for training purposes. Intimate physical examinations will not be recorded and the camera will be switched off on request. The tape is used for the purposes of assessment of the doctor, for research, learning and teaching purposes. (It will be seen only by persons who have legal access to your medical records.)

We follow General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines.

The trainer is responsible for the security and confidentiality of the video recording. If the tape is to leave the practice premises it will be sent by registered post or personal messenger.

The recordings will be seen inside your practice but they may also need to be seen outside the practice by people appointed to assess the standards of your doctor. The tape will be erased as soon as possible but definitely not later than one year after the date of the recording. You may be asked when booking an appointment to partake in this. We hope you will be able to help.

If you would be willing to let a medical student practice their clinical skills under the supervision of a doctor, please book an appointment and come in to the surgery to complete the necessary consent form.

All completed forms are processed by our medical secretary, Gloria Hunter, who may contact you in the future to see if you would be able to see our medical students so that they could either have a discussion with you or examine your limbs etc.

Medical students always need the assistance of our patient’s and are most grateful for any help you can offer them.